Latest Episodes

Atomic Radio Hour - Episode 7 - General Atomics
Topic: General Atomics

Atomic Radio Hour - Episode 4 - Rad Roaches, and Deathclaws, and Yao Guai, OH MY!
Topic: Monsters and Abominations.

Atomic Radio Hour - Episode 3 - 76 is Only a Few Months Away but Whos Counting
Topic: Fallout 76 is blowing our minds so much we needed a 3rd host.

Atomic Radio Hour - Episode 2 - Humanity And The Bomb
Welcome to the second episode of Atomic Radio Hour! Topic: The resource raws, the great war, and how humanity sucked. Featuring Nuclear Family! Episode...

Atomic Radio Hour - Episode 1 - Hello Wasteland!
Episode 1 of Atomic Radio Hour, the podcast that dives into the wreckage of the post apocalyptia powerhouse, Fallout. This Week's Topic: Vaults Featuring...